Sunday, October 17, 2010

first time at IT class

joyfull and i hope i can do my best in this class and another class ╭(′▽`)╯ 

how to make blog

  • make your account google/msn, etc before if you don't have it yet
  • open
  • make your account
  • answer the questionts and fill the blank boxes
  • click next
  • give your blog name
  • click next
  • choose your template as your first tamplate
  • finish
please attempt to make your account blog yourself and enjoy with blog world *\^o^/*

Tata cara mengisi Kartu Rencana Studi (KRS)

  • Ø  Bukalah situs
  • Ø  Isilah user name dan password anda pada bagian kolom yang kosong, lalu klik log in.
  • Ø  Setelah anda berhasil masuk, arahkan kursor pada tulisan mahasiswa yang berada di toolbar website lalu pilih dan klik pengisian KRS.
  • Ø  Pilihlah jadwal yang tersedia yang sesuai dengan semester yang sekarang anda tempuh atau yang sesuai dengan jurusan yang anda jalani saat ini.
  • Ø  Beritahu dosen/pembimbing yang bersangkutan agar beliau segera memeriksa permintaan anda
  • Ø  Pantau lagi account anda apakah keterangan permintaan anda sudah diterima atau belum
  • Ø  Setelah semua jadwal mata kuliah yang anda inginkan sudah menerima kejelasan keterangan dari dosen/pembimbing yang bersangkutan, anda boleh meninggalkan beranda tersebut apabila tidak ada hal/keperluan lagi menyangkut KRS anda

i am what i think

for more than 6 years, i had fight for something what my father's wanted but not mine. that's all cause that i want to made him happy and proud of me. then i realized that was a big wrong*jeng-jeng* and now, this way is not my soul and i don't like it. i've never imagine this situation before. i know it's really difficult to pass with a perfect result. many people said that, "do what you like and what you want to be in your life" so that i was fell in my brave power from my mother, my sister, my brother, my boyfriend, and another relation's support to talk with my father that i need one year later to reach something i've been dreaming in a deep of my heart*halah* with too much tears and argue finally my father allowed my demand*horay \\^o^// thanks God to show me my real way*amin* you should know it's so hard really hard. i must do more extra than my friends do but i always figure it out that i could pass this one. keep dream, keep spirit, keep health, keep work hard, and i'll get my dream to follow my andrianshah at faculty of madical*how confident i am* hehe :)